4478zine, issue 4 p 5: Advertisement
issue 8 p 12: Advertisement
52 Walker, issue 11 p 97: Advertisement
55 Gansevoort, issue 1 p 99: Advertisement
56 Henry, issue 8 p 99: Advertisement
issue 9 p 97: Advertisement
8 Ball, issue 4 p 9: Advertisement
issue 6 p 36: Advertisement
Acker, Kathy, Blue Tape, screening; see also Sylvia Bataille, Alan Sondheim
Adjunct Commuter Weekly, issue 4 p 96: Advertisement
Ahwesh, Peggy, issue 9 pp 23-26: Vampish Legendary
The Deadman, screening; see also Sylvia Bataille, Maggie Nelson, Keith Sanborn
Alfonso, Eduardo, issue 11 p 6: Advertisement; see also Alan Ruiz
Amen Dunes, issue 2 p 6: Advertisement
Angelo, Nick, issue 10 pp 65-70: Mood Board for a Painting: Fun House Fantasy Fear Factory Fiction, Act 3, Scene 3
PDF 010
Bread and Circuses, Solo Exhibition
REAL ESTATE, Exhibition
Antoine, Jean-Philippe, PDF 016
Copper and Propane, a photograph: what it is and what it isn't, Exhibition
Appel, Sophie, issue 12 p 41: Judee
Arturo Bandini, issue 7 pp 5, 23, 27, 60, 97: Advertisements
issue 8 p 2: Advertisement
Flowers for the Downtown Women's Center, Edition
Astrup Fearnley Museet, issue 12 p 94: Advertisement; see also Cauleen Smith
Auder, Michel, issue 2 pp 78-87 + cover: Endless Column
issue 3 pp 9: Zebras Mating, 96: En superstar er tilbage
issue 4 pp 56-58, 64, 69, 71, 76, 81: stills from Blind Sex; see also Sylvia Bataille
issue 8 pp 70-77; see also Ryan Foerster
Fictions, Exhibition
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition
Aujla, Aaron, issue 1 pp 64-71: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/156555
issue 2 p 97: Clearing/Cleaning
issue 3 p 16: Cleaning
issue 4 pp 18-21: Aujla, India Excerpt
issue 5 pp 20-21: Chuchitos; see also Kieran Magzul
Fictions, Exhibition
Windows, Exhibition
see also Green River Project
Aurora Picture Show, Houston
Airing Out Harry Smith's Shirt, screening; see also Andrew Lampert
Avner, Barrett, Class Dirt Clown School; see also Stephanie LaCava
BAD DOG, issue 8 pp 16-21: The Search for Poison Ivy and Other Stories from Bad Dog Magazine
Bad Reputation, issue 6 p 8: Advertisement
Baldanza, Jessica, issue 8 p 57: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
issue 9 p 9: Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bot
Bane, issue 11 pp 86-88: Profile, 89: Advertisement
Basket Books & Art, Houston
issue 12 p 98: Advertisement
The Red Show; see also Adam Marnie
Bataille, Sylvia, issue 3 p 27: Sylvia Bataille; see also Adam Marnie, Rebecca Matalon
issue 4 pp 54-83
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition
incl. Blue Tape, screening; see also Kathy Acker, Alan Sondheim
incl. The Deadman, screening; see also Peggy Ahwesh, Maggie Nelson, Keith Sandborn
Baum, Erica, Rabbit Hole, Exhibition
Belkina, Leeza, issue 12 pp 36-39: IU Academics; see also Kalle Wadzinski
Benedetto, Cara, issue 4 pp 34-35: Issue 3 Reflection; see also Aura Rosenberg
Benjamin, Heather, issue 6 pp 50-53: Three Scenes
Bennett, Alissa, issue 6 pp 44-48: Colleen Applegate vs Shauna Grant
issue 7 pp 50-55: The Imposters
Benson, Trudy, issue 10 p 95: At Home with Tamantha
see also Supportgroup123
Bibb, Nolan, issue 8 p 57: John Wayne
Black Hand Books, issue 1 p 91: Advertisement
Blakemore, Amy, PDF 008
5 Women, Exhibition; see also Jillian Conrad, Dana Frankfort, Francesca Fuchs, Katrina Moorhead
Three Photographs, Solo Exhibition
Blonde Art Books, issue 4 p 11: Advertisement
Bloomstein, Ben; see also Green River Project
blvxmth, issue 9 p 21; see also Garrett Bradley
PDF 003
Flowers for Elijah McClain, Edition
Independent 2024, Exhibition
LIGHT, Solo Exhibition
Rabbit Hole, Exhibition
Boeskov, Jakob S., contributor: SHADOW CABINET: A Loyal Opposition Response, Publication
Bones, Mike, issue 2 p 27
Boone, Stephanie, Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Will Boone
The Devil is a Clown, Exhibition
Boone, Will, issue 6 p 9: Elvis Analyzed by Greil Marcus
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Stephanie Boone
The Devil is a Clown, Exhibition
Boskovich, John, issue 4 pp 82-83: National City Ten-Year Re-Issue, selections from Boskovich House, 84-89: The Mirror Has Two Faces; see also Sylvia Bataille
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition
Bougatsos, Lizzi, Movie Star Flowers for Beirut, Edition
Boullosa, Carmen, issue 12 pp 34-35: Excerpt from The Book of Eve
The Box, issue 9 p 96: Advertisement
Bradley, Garrett, issue 9 pp 18-21: Peter Bradley; see also blvxmth
Flowers for Friends and Family of Louisiana's Incarcerated Children, Edition
Brooks, David, issue 12 pp 81-89: Some Observations on the Moral Character of Ice as Documented in Antarctica in January 2024
Brown, Cecily, Flowers for School, Edition
Bryan, Edgar, issue 5 p 11: Ted Talks
Bryant, Ciara Elle, issue 12 pp 30-31: retribution22
Buckhiester, Jared, issue 6 pp 19-24: I Can't Hit Him a Lick
Copper and Propane, a photograph: what it is and what it isn't, Exhibition
Buonaguro, Hannah, issue 7 pp 80-81: Untitled
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition; see also Ryan Foerster
Bureau, issue 12 p 99: Advertisement
Bursch, Heather, issue 2 p 3: Press Release
issue 3 p 26: Looking for Sleep Problems
issue 5 pp 6-7: Ext/Int
issue 12 p 96: Perforated Interior: A Passing Through
PDF 017
Fictions, Exhibition
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition
Independent 2023, Exhibition
Windows, Exhibition
Callahan, Maura, issue 9 pp 10-11: Posting Mortem
Campbell-LaFleur, Andrianna, issue 5 pp 65-68: On Sidewalks
issue 7 pp 56-57: Paean to my iPhone and Leeson's Paranoid Mirror
issue 10 pp 17-20: A Ramble: A View of the Lighthouse
Cardwell, Pamela, Copper and Propane, a photograph: what it is and what it isn't, Exhibition
Carlock, Greg, issue 5 p 15: excerpt from To a Syrian Prisoner of Conscience
Cassandra Press, issue 8 p 94: Advertisement
issue 9 p 94: Advertisement
issue 11 p 2: Advertisement; see also Morán Morán
Castagnetto, Cay, issue 6 pp 88-89, card insert: It Wasn't Exactly Dynamite
Cerny, Dawn, issue 7 pp 24-25: Chalk Full of Vitamins
issue 10 pp 12-13: 5225 Figueroa Mt. Rd.
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Steel Stillman
Copper and Propane, a photograph: what it is and what it isn't, Exhibition
FTV1; see also Blair Hansen
see also SH T
Chicago Spleen, issue 12 p 94: Advertisement
Choi, Jae Yeun, issue 12 p 29: slippery people (live)
Honesty / Compley, Publication; see also Ethan Swan
Christensen-Knowles, Kye, issue 3 pp 68-70: Art at Dusk
Clapman, Arnold, FTV4; see also Miles Huston, Chris Reppucci
Clussy the Clown, issue 11 pp 82-85: Profile
CNY/NYC, issue 6 p 47: Advertisement
Coldwell, F. Richard, Lies from the Flies on the Wall, Publication
Collins, Graham, issue 12 p 15: Monster
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Conrad, Jillian, 5 Women, Exhibition; see also Amy Blakemore, Dana Frankfort, Francesca Fuchs, Katrina Moorhead
Conrad, Pacca, The Devil is a Clown, Exhibition; see also Jamie Fletcher
Conte, Vanessa, issue 10 p 35: Shed Ritual
REAL ESTATE, Exhibition
Corbett, Dylan, issue 5 pp 80-81: Brink
issue 7 pp 37-38: Dawn Fades
The Cornichons, issue 9 p 95: Advertisement; see also Hassla
Covert, Scott, issue 8 pp 46-51: Selections from The Dead Supreme
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition
Independent 2023, Exhibition
Of The United States, Solo Exhibition
Cox, Stan, contributor: SHADOW CABINET: A Loyal Opposition Response, Publication
Crain, Jenni, issue 10 pp 58-59 + booklet insert: The House Will Also Fall to Dust
Curwood, Kenny, issue 6 pp 96-98: Unchained Melody
issue 7 pp 20, 22, 24-25, 69: New Yorker Cartoons
Cwynar, Sara, issue 5 pp 2: Pens II, 12: Cairn, 18: Tracy as Augustus, 99: Pencils II
D'Arc, Camille / DXDA, issue 12 pp 61-63: Archive Poétique - Baiser Non-Humain
Daggers Magazine, issue 8 p 96: Advertisement
issue 9 p 94: Advertisement
Daignault, Cynthia, issue 5 pp 86-87: Cielo
David Peterson Gallery, Minneapolis
Windows, Exhibition
Windows Vista Marnie Zucker, Publication; see also Adam Marnie, Kevin Zucker
Derek Eller Gallery, New York
issue 1 p 4: Advertisement
Fictions, Exhibition
Deschenes, Liz, issue 10 pp 39-46: FPS__WS; see also Alan Ruiz
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Alan Ruiz
REAL ESTATE, Exhibition; see also Alan Ruiz
Devito, Gracie, issue 7 pp 8-9: Paranoid Andy
Dewitt, Cali, issue 1 pp 6: Name Brands, 90: Luxury Items, 97: Bail Bonds, 100: Instant Paranoia
issue 3 p 36: We Will Kill Your Dog
issue 5 p 98: The Greatest
issue 6 p 100: Shannon Michael Cane Forever In Our Hearts
issue 7 pp 84-85: RING RING; see also Savage James Rockin’
issue 8 pp 10, 95: CEASE 2 EXIST
issue 11 p 100: Advertisement
Flowers for Housing, Edition
as Guest Editor, issue 6
see also WSSF
Diamond, Darya, issue 11 cover: Nov 26, $500, pp 44-60, 92-95: The Intimacy of Sex Work as Artwork; see also Adam Marnie, Blair Taylor
Rabbit Hole, Exhibition
FTV4; see also Blair Taylor
DiBenedetto, Steve, The Devil is a Clown, Exhibition
DiverseWorks, issue 12 p 99: Advertisement
Dobrin, Jason Roberts, as Contributor, issue 5 pp 84-85: Untitled
as Printer, issue 3-6
Selected Head Shots archive materials (1991-2017)
Windows Vista Marnie Zucker
see also Golden Spike Press
Dodge, Harry, issue 4 pp 60-61: Plastic Sunset (External Anus); see also Sylvia Bataille
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition
Works of Love, Solo Exhibition
incl. My Meteorite, reading
incl. Abstraction Makes Room(s), screening
Dopp, Michael, issue 9 p 14-15: Tchotchke
see also Arturo Bandini
Doran, Anne, issue 9 pp 49-54: Analogs
Doran, Taylor, issue 4 p 16: Beauty and Ethics
issue 6 pp 34-36: Sex-Negative
issue 7 pp 31: Hatred of Capitalism I, 68-69: Sweat Slick
issue 9 pp 66-67: New Psalms
issue 12 pp 79-81: Shot / Reverse Shot
Douglas, Preston, issue 9 p 94: Advertisement
Dowell, Ben; see also DROOIDS
Dracula's Revenge, issue 12 p 94: Advertisement
DROOIDS, issue 3 p 97: Self Titled EP
issue 10 pp 2-3, 98-99: ConEdison Photograms
Drozd, Luba, issue 11 pp 76-77: Air Anxiety
E., Kayla, issue 12 pp 92-93: Precious Rubbish
Edwards, Shannon, issue 8 p 58: Steve Irwin
Escoto, Corey, issue 2 pp 43: LAX Infinite, 46: Flip Book for Lynda, 47: Shape Stack (Cleveland), 49: Star Rolodisk
Fictions, Exhibition
Ess, Barbara, issue 3 pp 2: Just Another Asshole, 54-61: ID
issue 4 pp 2: Advertisement, 22-29: The Landman is Coming; see also Megan Plunkett
issue 5 pp 78-79: Telescope Beach (b/w version for F)
issue 7 p 71: Spring Break
issue 9 pp 85-87: A Philosophy of Photography
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Megan Plunkett
Flowers for Southern Justice, Edition; see also Les Leveque
Fragments, Publication
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition
A Philosophy of Photography II, Solo Exhibition
Windows, Exhibition
as Guest Editor, issue 9 (uncredited)
Essex Flowers, issue 8 p 99: Advertisement
Etchen, Russell, issue 10 p 93: Trash Marketing
Falk, Arielle, issue 5 p 69: JUL 18, 2015: Del Mar, CA (Aaron Gryder via Twitter)
Farman, Roxy, Who Does Not Deserve Death?, Publication
Fend, Peter, issue 5 pp 26-30: ARMORY SUPPLY, 31: North America, page insert: CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
issue 10 pp 81-85: ECO-TAX REVENUE STREAMS
SHADOW CABINET: A Loyal Opposition Response, Publication
Finklestein, Katherine, issue 8 p 58: Neon and Kembra Pfahler
Fisher, Jen, issue 8 cover + p 59: John Ritter, pp 68-69: Blow Me
issue 10 p 36: Florida
Independent 2024, Exhibition
see also VorteXity Books
Fitzgibbon, Coleen, contributor: SHADOW CABINET: A Loyal Opposition Response, Publication
Flanagan, Bob, issue 11 pp 38-43: 1996/2022; see also Sheree Rose, Aura Rosenberg
Fletcher, Jamie, issue 6 pp 54-59: Puffer: images from jacketripperuk forum shared to imagefap.com
issue 7 pp 15-16: Cold War Pendant, 28: Nightvision
issue 8 p 59: The ATL Twins
issue 10 pp 60-64: 3 Months in West Texas
issue 11 p 16: EDGELORDS
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition
The Devil is a Clown, Exhibition; see also Pacca Conrad
REAL ESTATE, Exhibition
Flood, Mark, Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also John Klonos
Face Index, Edition
Face Index, Solo Exhibition
Foerster, Ryan, issue 1 pp 38, 48-51: Noitcudorper Lacinahcem
issue 3 pp 39: Weed Crack Acid Cocaine Heroin PCP, 77-81: selections from the series Eric Fucked Up
issue 7 p 36: Woman
issue 8 pp 70-77; see also Michel Auder
issue 10 p 94: Memes; see also David Rimanelli
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition; see also Hannah Buonaguro
see also RATSTAR
see also Supportgroup123
Forbes, Thalia, issue 10 p 34: The Migrant
issue 11 pp 65-66: I'm Dead (Excerpt)
Forde, Sheila, issue 11 pp 8-9: I had that dream again
Art Toronto 2024; see also Devin T. Mays
Sheila Forde, Tuomas Korpijaakko, Exhibition; see also Tuomas Korpijaakko
Fox, Jason, issue 7 p 24: New Yorker Cartoon
Frankfort, Dana, 5 Women, Exhibition; see also Amy Blakemore, Jillian Conrad, Francesca Fuchs, Katrina Moorhead
Fraser, Andrea, issue 7 p 4: Advertisement
Freeman, Marley, Copper and Propane, a photograph: what it is and what it isn't, Exhibition
Flowers for Black Voters Matter, Edition
Fuchs, Francesca, 5 Women, Exhibition; see also Amy Blakemore, Jillian Conrad, Dana Frankfort, Katrina Moorhead
Gahnal, Rainer, issue 8 pp 7-9: Stargazer--WTF, F-Words on the F-Train
Galerie Eva Presenhuber, issue 9 p 96: Advertisement
Galveston Artist Residency, issue 12 p 16: Advertisement
Garner, Pippa, issue 11 pp 28-31: An Excerpt of Something Still in Progress: for Pippa Garner; see also Megan Plunkett
Gemmill, Aaron, issue 5 pp 70-71: #condoreport
Gerstler, Amy, issue 4 pp 50-51: Issue 3 Reflection; see also Aura Rosenberg, Benjamin Weissman
issue 6 p 27: After Sex
issue 7 p 27: New Yorker Cartoon; see also Benjamin Weissman
Glasstire, issue 12 p 95: Advertisement
Goedecke, Matthew, issue 8 p 60: Howard Stern
Golden Spike Press, issue 4 p 7
issue 5 p 10
Goldenberg, Suzanne, issue 2 pp 42: S & S, 45-46: Felix, 48: Balls
issue 3 p 13: Work
Goldstein, Sandy, issue 9 pp 45-48: Metafor of Sendr Receivr
Good Press, issue 4 p 10: Advertisement
Gordon, Adam, issue 2 pp 18-23: Untitled
issue 3 pp 10, 82-87: Untitled
issue 6 pp 82-87: Secession
Fictions, Exhibition
Green River Project, issue 7 p 6: Advertisement
Greenberger Rafferty, Sara, issue 2 pp 94, 96, 98, 100: Advertisements
issue 3 p 30: Open for Business
Greene, Eli, issue 12 pp 56-60: Paper Blinds and
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition
Floods, Solo Exhibition
Greene, M. Page, issue 6 p 14
Guagnini, Nic, issue 6 pp 60-67: Images Only Die Twice; see also Aura Rosenberg, Studio for Propositional Cinema
Gully-Santiago, Vanessa, issue 6 p 33: Punished
Gwynne, Nathan, FTV3
see also DROOIDS
see also MoneyGraham NYC
see also Supportgroup123
Haines, Frank, issue 8 pp 25-29: Time, in the Shadow of the Thing Too Big to See
see also Heinzfeller Nileisist
Hamner, Raina, issue 6 p 76: Untitled
issue 8 pp 22-23: Reflections of an Exhibitionist
Windows, Exhibition
Hansen, Blair, issue 10 pp 28-29: Not for Sale: The Art of Bill Traylor
FTV1; see also Dawn Cerny
see also Blair Taylor
Harren, Natilee, issue 12 pp 43-48: I've Been Thinking a Lot About the Nature of Evil
PDF 021
Hashemi, Yasmina, issue 11 p 27: This Romantic Self Definition
issue 12 p 20: Holy Whore
Haskard, Skylar, issue 9 pp 69-73: excerpts from Recess
issue 11 p 67-69: Body Object
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Devin T. Mays
A Horseshoe Over a Door, Exhibition; see also Devin T. Mays
Independent 2023, Exhibition
Hassla, issue 1 p 2: Advertisement
issue 4 p 8: Advertisement
issue 9 p 95: Advertisement; see also The Cornichons
Aquarium, Publication; see also Barak Zemer
Haynes, Ebony L., PDF 011
HEADS/UDLI, issue 8 p 97: Advertisement
issue 9 p 94: Advertisement
Heinzfeller Nileisist, issue 9 p 97: Advertisement
Hell, Richard, issue 11 p 24: Untitled
Chronicle, Publication
Henson, Rachel, issue 12 pp 18-19: Linger
Herman, James, issue 7 p 30: Dose Trump Bumper Sticker
Herter, Albert, issue 2 pp 24, 26, 28: selections from the series One Cannot Own One's Own House
issue 3 p 17: Lacanian Analysis
issue 4 p 81: Lacanian Analysis; see also Sylvia Bataille
Fictions, Exhibition
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition
Hignite, Sara, Guest Editor, issue 12
Hlebo, Jesse, as Contributor, issue 7 pp 29-30: maybe things will be better
PDF 014
as Printer, issues 1, 2, 7-9
Ho, Christopher K., issue 2 pp 64-69: Perfect Heir; see also Kevin Zucker
issue 3 p 19: East Coast Tour
issue 4 pp 70-71: Nearer to Man; see also Sylvia Bataille
issue 10 pp 4-5: Beaver Co., Ltd.
issue 12 p 42: Joseph, Satan, Jesus
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Kevin Zucker
Fictions, Exhibition; see also Kevin Zucker
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also John Magee, Cynthia Talmadge, Kevin Zucker
Holman, Daisy, issue 11 p 73: The Intimacy of Motherhood
Holmes, Brian, contributor: SHADOW CABINET: A Loyal Opposition Response, Publication
Horvitz, David, issue 4 pp 3: Line, 10-11: Consignment Agreement, 98: Announcement
Hospital Productions, issue 6 p 7: Advertisement
Houston Jr., Otis, Rabbit Hole, Exhibition
Howard, Coco, issue 7 pp 86-87: Uncounted: In Memory of the Men, Women, and Children Who Have Lost Their Lives through Interactions with United States Law Enforcement (1/1/2000 - 9/11/2014)
Hubbs, Whitney, issue 6 p 12: My Mistake
Huston, Miles, issue 3 pp 31-45: The Punchline is Not in the Title; see also Justin Lieberman
issue 5 pp 17, 19: Recentness of Sculpture
issue 7 pp 58-80: Genericide (A Paradox)
issue 9 pp 36-40: A Topological Metaphor of Four Shows in New York City 2019
issue 10 pp 71-76: The Compound Interest of Swamp Futures
issue 12 pp 64-67: Alone Together
REAL ESTATE, Exhibition
FTV4; see also Arnold Clapman, Chris Reppucci
see also Know More Games
Ingrams, issue 12 pp cover, pp 25-26: Frieze at Ingrams; see also Jennifer Locke
Jaeger, Elizabeth, issue 1 pp 10-15: Eros C'est la Vie
issue 3 p 24: Sculpture & Intimacy
Jagos, Joe, issue 9 pp 12: Achieve Immortality, 13: Suffering Unfortunate
Jansen, Jeremy, issue 7 pp 20, 55, 82: Advertisements
issue 10 pp 7-8: Crappy Cribs; see also Julie Jansen
Jansen, Julie, issue 10 pp 7-8: Crappy Cribs; see also Jeremy Jansen
Jarmusch, Tom, issue 7 pp 32-35: CLEVELAND
Rabbit Hole, Exhibition
The Jenni Crain Foundation, issue 12 p 2: Advertisement
Jerrod, Brandon, issue 11 pp 12-13: Brandon Jerrod; see also Bria Lauren
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition
JLUNGERHUNGER, issue 11 pp 14-15: Housebound
JOAN, Los Angeles
Head Shots; see also Aura Rosenberg
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition
Works of Love; see also Harry Dodge
Johnson, Butt, issue 10 pp 50-51: One Line Weeds
Jones, KB, issue 8 p 60: Lou Reed; Lou Reed and Nico
issue 12 p 24: Untitled
Josh Pazda Hiram Butler, Houston
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition
FTV4; see also Reference Point, Maximillian William
Kahn, Stanya, issue 5 pp 72-73: Pipeline, December 30, 2013
issue 7 p 52: New Yorker Cartoon
KAJE, Brooklyn
SEXDEN, Performance
see also Kate Levant, Jacques Vidal
Karma, issue 8 p 15: Advertisement
Karsen, Hannah, issue 8 p 53: $, 54-55: Metonymic Pairs
issue 9 p 35: Figure of Continuity
Kaye, Gareth Thomas, issue 12 p 14: Just One More Thing: Notes on the Critic as Detective
Keats, Thatcher, issue 2 pp 60-63: selections from the series Butthole Surfer Postcards
issue 3 pp 22: Rancho Thatchmo, 73-75: selections from the series Hunt Camp
issue 7 p 72: It was a long time before I knew that all men's hands were not my father's
issue 8 pp 42-45: The Lives of Others
Fictions, Exhibition
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition
Windows, Exhibition
Kennedy, Jackie T., issue 4 pp 72-73: For Lottie and Hans; see also Sylvia Bataille
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also Sean Kennedy
Kennedy, Sean, issue 3 p 29: Advertisement
issue 4 pp 72-73: For Lottie and Hans; see also Sylvia Bataille
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also Jackie T. Kennedy
Kenny, Matt, issue 1 pp 21, 23, 25, 27, 29: The Secret Origin of Vermilion Sands
issue 2 p 7: John Marks and the CIA
issue 3 p 28: United Architects
issue 5 pp 76-77: Grand and Olive, 100: James Jesus Angleton
issue 6 p 6: National Rifle Association
issue 7 p 89: Lists
issue 8 p 61: John M. Newman
issue 10 tri-fold insert: Subject Management
issue 12 pp 76-77: Eye Exam
PDF 004
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition
High-Rise, Solo Exhibition
REAL ESTATE, Exhibition
Still Life Paintings, Solo Exhibition
Khansefid, Ellen, issue 6 pp 15-18, 26-27, 29-30, 48, 81: New Yorker Cartoons
issue 7 p 21: New Yorker Cartoon
Kingsboro Press, issue 1 p 5: Advertisement
issue 3 p 25: Growing Up, the Rogue River; see also Megan Plunkett
issue 4 p 6: Advertisement
issue 5 p 9: Advertisement
issue 8 pp 32-41: Photos from the LAPD Archive
issue 9 p 99: Advertisement
F Mag “Mail Art” Auction, Exhibition; see also Adam Marnie
F Mag “Mail Art” Auction Catalog, Publication; see also Adam Marnie
Kinnaird, Iva, issue 11 p 98: Advertisement
Elizabeth Warren's Ear, Solo Exhibition
Klein, Julia, issue 12 p 28: TH (SDS)
Klonos, John, Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Mark Flood
Know More Games, issue 2 p 5: Advertisement
Korpijaakko, Esko, issue 7 pp 25, 27: SKINN
see also U.S. Bodies
Korpijaakko, Tuomas, Art Director
as Contributor, The Devil is a Clown, Exhibition
Sheila Forde, Tuomas Korpijaakko, Exhibition; see also Sheila Forde
see also NOWORK
see also SH T
see also U.S. Bodies
Kovel, Sophie, issue 12 pp 6-9: "Attack Philanthropy"
Kristina Kite Gallery, issue 12 p 97: Advertisement
Kuo, Antonia, Antonia Kuo and Mariah Robertson, Exhibition
Rabbit Hole, Exhibition
Labriola, Natalie, issue 7 p 7: An Inventory of the Persistent Belief in the Occult in Consumer Culture as Evidenced by the Mall
LaCava, Stephanie, Class Dirt Clown School, Publication
Class Dirt Clown School; see also Barrett Avner
Lampert, Andrew, Airing Out Harry Smith's Shirt, screening; see also Aurora Picture Show
Langworthy, Gary, issue 8 p 61: John Langworthy
Lapinski, Lisa, The Devil is a Clown, Exhibition
Snoopy Mitosis, Solo Exhibition
Larbi, Naomi, issue 9 p 16: Omni
PDF 012
Lauren, Bria, issue 11 pp 12-13: Brandon Jerrod; see also Brandon Jerrod
Le Hors, Pierre; see also NOWORK
Ledare, Leigh, issue 1 pp 33, 47, 52: Noitcudorper Lacinahcem
issue 3 p 21: Denmark
issue 5 pp 82-83: still from Vokzal
issue 11 pp 4-5: Upon the Death of My Grandfather (A Promised Re-gift to the Museum of Modern Art, New York), Documents A/C, 96: Personals Collage
Lee, Liz, issue 6 pp 15-16: Bloody Valentines, 30-31: Readymade Poem
issue 7 pp 19-20: Defabricate Paranoia
issue 8 p 11: My Life as Liz
issue 9 p 17: Siri, Siri
issue 11 pp 6-7: From Dallas to the Valley
issue 12 p 9: Shadow Self
Lee, Maia Ruth, issue 5 p 8: Woozy; see also Peter Sutherland
Lee II, El Franco, issue 12 p 4: Killuminatti Doodle
The Devil is a Clown, Exhibition
Lefcourt, Daniel, issue 12 pp 12-13: Compost; see also Megan McLarney
Lehmann, Gregory, contributor: SHADOW CABINET: A Loyal Opposition Response, Publication
Lehrer, Adam, issue 8 p 62: Chris Benoit
Levant, Kate, see also KAJE
Leveque, Les, Flowers for Southern Justice, Edition; see also Barbara Ess
Lieberman, Justin, issue 1 p 7: Unpublished Letter to the Editors of Artforum, pp 62-63: Friend of Barbie
issue 2 pp 30-33: From The Confessions
issue 3 pp 18: S.A.C., 31-45: The Punchline is Not in the Title
issue 4 pp 68-69: Stephanie's title: A former curatorial assistant from The Museum of Modern Art relieving herself of all real substance so that the artist, and you, his sycophantic followers, may speak of her in the most crude terms. However, the inhuman monstrosity called forth by this voiding does not belong to you. Rather it bears the seed of your eventual destruction. Mariah's title: Justin Lieberman, you are my friend and I trust you. I trust that your intentions are honorable and your ideas worthy of exploration. And you have been there for me when I very much needed a friend. So for these reasons I have endeavored to fulfill your request by making a piece which is outside my zone of interest and possibly a violation of my adult life project. But having an interest in critical analysis of systems, I am willing to invert or violate those of my own in the spirit of open experimentation. Justin's title: A photograph taken in the gallery by the artist Mariah Robertson documenting a curatorial assistant from The Museum of Modern Art’s department of media and performance art enacting a scene from the opening chapter of Georges Bataille's 1928 novel The Story of the Eye. The props from the performance: A 1994 stainless steel Alessi reproduction of Marianne Brandt's 1928 Bauhaus work, Shallow Bowl, filled with organic milk from a local farm; see also Sylvia Bataille
issue 7 p 76: Interparanoia
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Mariah Robertson, Stephanie Weber
Fictions, Exhibition
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also Mariah Robertson, Stephanie Weber
Locke, Jennifer, issue 12 cover, pp 25-26: Frieze at Ingrams; see also Ingrams
Lonidier, Fred, contributor: SHADOW CABINET: A Loyal Opposition Response, Publication
Long, Randi, HARRY SMITH'S SHIRT, Exhibition
Lorenz, Marie, contributor: SHADOW CABINET: A Loyal Opposition Response, Publication
Lossin, R. H., issue 1 p 80: Remainder
LMLL, issue 2 pp 38-41: XXXX
Lutz, Frank, issue 4 pp 44-47: Issue 3 Reflection; see also Aura Rosenberg
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also John Miller, Aura Rosenberg
Mackler, Alice, HARRY SMITH'S SHIRT, Exhibition
Magdalena Joybringer, FTV2
Magee, John, issue 4 pp 70-71: Nearer to Man; see also Sylvia Bataille
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also Christopher K. Ho, Cynthia Talmadge, Kevin Zucker
Magenta Plains, New York
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition
Magzul, Kieran, issue 5 pp 20-21: Chuchitos; see also Aaron Aujla
Malone, Greta, issue 6 pp 25-31: The Tigers of Wrath
Manning, Mary, issue 9 pp 41-44: The New York Times, The Guardian, Democracy Now, USA Today
Marcus, Calvin, The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition
Marcus, Rose, issue 1 pp 19-20, 22, 24, 26, 28: One World Trade; Empire
issue 2 pp 52-59: Mirrors and Windows; see also Aura Rosenberg
issue 4 pp 48-49: Issue 3 Reflection; see also Aura Rosenberg
issue 7 p 53: Paranoia Haikus
Fictions, Exhibition; see also Aura Rosenberg
Windows, Exhibition
Marnie, Adam, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief
as Contributor, issue 1 pp 31-53: Noitcudorper Lacinahcem
issue 2 pp 50-51: Monument
issue 3 pp 27: Sylvia Bataille, 89: Asher Fountain, 100: King Coke; see also Rebecca Matalon
issue 4 p 55: Sylvia Bataille press release; see also Sylvia Bataille
issue 5 pp 32-37: November 27-29 2016 180 Park Row NY 6512 Monterey Rd LA; see also Aura Rosenberg
issue 6 pp 46: Before and After, 49: Spread
issue 7 pp 5: The Mail; see also Megan Plunkett, 19: Old Mother Reagan
issue 11 pp 47, 92-95: The Intimacy of Sex Work as Artwork; see also Darya Diamond, Blair Taylor
issue 12 p 5: Letter From the Editor
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Aura Rosenberg
Fictions, Exhibition
Flowers for Minneapolis, Edition
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition; see also Aura Rosenberg
The Red Show, Solo Exhibition; see also Basket Books & Art
Windows, Exhibition; see also Aura Rosenberg
Windows Vista Marnie Zucker, Publication; see also Kevin Zucker
as Curator, see Exhibitions
F Mag “Mail Art” Auction, Exhibition; see also Kingsboro Press
F Mag “Mail Art” Auction Catalog, Publication; see also Kingsboro Press
as Co-curator, with Rebecca Matalon, Head Shots; see also Aura Rosenberg
Snoopy Mitosis; see also Lisa Lapinski
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition
Works of Love; see also Harry Dodge
see also SH T
Mary, Servane, issue 4 p 40: Issue 3 Reflection; see also Aura Rosenberg
Mascuch, Moses, issue 8 p 62: Martin Luther King Jr.
Maslansky, Max, issue 7 p 61-64: Trigger Bonbons
issue 10 p 37: Cityfront Property
Matalon, Rebecca, issue 3 p 27: Sylvia Bataille; see also Adam Marnie
issue 4 p 55: Sylvia Bataille press release; see also Sylvia Bataille
as Co-curator, with Adam Marnie, Head Shots; see also Aura Rosenberg
Snoopy Mitosis; see also Lisa Lapinski
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition
Works of Love; see also Harry Dodge
Maximillian William, London
FTV4; see also Josh Pazda Hiram Butler, Reference Point
Mayo, issue 8 p 63
Mays, Devin T., Art Toronto 2024; see also Sheila Forde
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Skylar Haskard
Here, There, Weight, Performance
A Horseshoe Over a Door, Exhibition; see also Skylar Haskard
McDonell, Thomas, issue 8 pp 13-14: Thomas McDonell
McEwen, Adam, issue 5 pp 22-25: Mobile Steam Boiler Units
McLarney, Megan, issue 12 pp 12-13: Compost; see also Daniel Lefcourt
Mellin, Haley, issue 10 pp 52-57: Large-Scale Land Conservation & Art
On Biodiversity and Beta Diversity, Publication
REAL ESTATE, Exhibition
Merkx, Andrea, A / V, FTV 2
Miller, John, issue 4 pp 64-67: Sylvia Bataille; see also Sylvia Bataille
issue 5 pp 58-63: stills from Reconstructing a Public Sphere
issue 10 pp 21-27: passage from Reconstructing a Public Sphere
PDF 018
Negative Landscape, Edition
REAL ESTATE, Exhibition
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also Aura Rosenberg, Frank Lutz
FTV1; see also Aura Rosenberg
FTV4; see also Aura Rosenberg
Miller, Tracy, Copper and Propane, a photograph: what it is and what it isn't, Exhibition
Molis, Tracy, issue 6 p 11: On Pizza
issue 7 pp 20-22: Ring of Steel
issue 9 pp 7, 9, 11: Final Chapter of Y2K
issue 11 pp 74-75: Too Far Gone: Reacting to Gen Z Reaction Videos
MoMA PS1, issue 2 p 2: Advertisement
Moore, Mira, Web Designer, fmagazine.info
Moorhead, Katrina, 5 Women, Exhibition; see also Amy Blakemore, Jillian Conrad, Dana Frankfort, Francesca Fuchs
MoneyGraham NYC, issue 10 p 92: MoneyGraham NYC
Morán Morán, issue 11 p 2: Advertisement; see also Cassandra Press
Mulcahy, Cynthia, issue 12 pp 32-33: Domestic Hawks in the War Garden
Nassar, Jordan, issue 7 pp 65-67: Israel's Tell-Tale Heart
issue 8 p 98: Advertisement
issue 12 pp 50-51: Alone in her Garden
Flowers for Palestine, Edition
Navé, Raquel, issue 3 pp 46-52: MOM (Excerpt)
issue 5 p 5: MOM
issue 6 pp 68-69: Mountain, 70-71: The Hunt, 72-73: Ramus, 74-75: Seed
issue 8 pp 69: Advertisement, 78-83: Sex Tape Remake
PDF 006
PIG, Publication
Nelson, Maggie, The Deadman, screening; see also Peggy Ahwesh, Keith Sanborn, Sylvia Bataille
Nesgos, Phoebe, issue 10 p 10: Land for Sale
REAL ESTATE, Exhibition
Newman, Daniel, issue 7 p 25: Cryptocurrency
Nickas, Bob, issue 4 pp 32-33: Issue 3 Reflection; see also Aura Rosenberg
NO MAG, issue 8 p 23: Advertisement
NOWORK, issue 1 pp 92-95, 96: NoMad
issue 2 pp 90-93: NoMad
issue 3 pp 92-95: NoMad
issue 4 pp 74-75: The Elder, 92-95: NoMad; see also Sylvia Bataille
issue 5 pp 16: Final Work, 92-95: NoMad
issue 6 pp 92-95: NoMad
issue 7 pp 92-95: NoMad
issue 8 pp 90-93: Harsh Inc.
issue 9 pp 90: nomadwork(net), 91: noework(com), 92: naowork(com), 93: notatwork.com
issue 10 pp 88-91: NoMad
issue 11 pp 78-81: toi i'nterprète (excerpt)
issue 12 p 97: NOWORK TIMES SQUARE 2024
PDF 013; see also Sabrina Tamar
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition
Mimes, Solo Exhibition
REAL ESTATE, Exhibition
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition
toi l’interprète, Publication
Windows, Exhibition
Ojo, Kayode, issue 11 pp 19-22: Take a Minute Girl Come Sit Down and Tell Us What's Been Happening
Olson, B. Ingrid, Rabbit Hole, Exhibition
Olson, Kelsey, Windows, Exhibition
OOGA BOOGA, issue 9 p 100: 943 N. Broadway, Suite 203 (upstairs), Los Angeles, CA 90012, 2004-2019
The Orange Show, Houston
Class Dirt Clown School; see also Barrett Avner, Stephanie LaCava
Outwater, Alice, contributor: SHADOW CABINET: A Loyal Opposition Response, Publication
P.A.D., issue 11 p 93: Advertisement
Parker Gallery, issue 8 p 94: Advertisement
Perret, Dorothée, issue 6 p 32: On the Possibility of an Everystory
Picnic Surf Shapes, issue 12 p 95: Advertisement
Ping, Eli, issue 1 p 3: Advertisement
Planck, Nicholas, HARRY SMITH'S SHIRT, Exhibition
Plunkett, Megan, issue 1 pp 39-41: Noitcudorper Lacinahcem
issue 3 p 25: Growing Up, the Rogue River; see also Kingsboro Press
issue 4 pp 22-29: The Landman is Coming; see also Barbara Ess
issue 6 pp 37-43: New Moon on Monday
issue 7 pp 5, The Mail; see also Adam Marnie, 17: Do It Yourself, America!
issue 11 pp 28-31: An Excerpt of Something Still in Progress: for Pippa Garner; see also Pippa Garner
PDF 019
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Barbara Ess
CTZNMEG, Solo Exhibition
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition
Independent 2023, Exhibition
Return to Sender, Solo Exhibition
The Vavas, Edition
see also Kingsboro Press
Polatin, Seymour, issue 10 p 6: Two Places
A Portrait of Barbara Ess, Peggy Ahwesh, Heather Bursch, Jeri Coppola, Daniella Dooling, Tara Fracalossi, Kirby Gookin, Michelle Handelman, Shirley Irons, Robin Kahn, Judith Kakon, Thomas Lail, Les Leveque, Jeanne Liotta, Adam Marnie, Leor Miller, Virginia Piersol, Megan Plunkett, David Procuniar, Lee Ranaldo, Keith Sanborn, Heidi Schlatter, Peter Scott, Steel Stillman, Yoni Zonszein; see also Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition
The Power Station, issue 12 p 94: Advertisement
Prater, Brittany, contributor: SHADOW CABINET: A Loyal Opposition Response, Publication
Printed Matter, issue 4 p 100: Advertisement
issue 7 p 100: Advertisement
Private Places, issue 8 p 94: Advertisement
issue 9 p 10: Advertisement
Quinlan, Eileen, issue 2 pp 34: No one sleeps, 35: Studio time, 36: Super moon, 37: Attachment
issue 3 pp 4-5: Advertisement
issue 4 pp 78-79: details from Three Sisters and Interior Views (studio); see also Sylvia Bataille
Fictions, Exhibition
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also Cheyney Thompson
QQQ, issue 7 p 69: Advertisement
issue 8 p 45: Advertisement
issue 9 p 17: Advertisement
Rahmé, Rachelle, FTV3
Ransone, Dave, issue 8 p 63: Guy Fieri
RASEN, issue 4 p 97: Advertisement
RATSTAR, issue 4 p 4: Advertisement
Electrograms 1978 - 2020, Publication; see also Kerry Schuss
Reference Point, London
FTV4; see also Josh Pazda Hiram Butler, Maximillian William
Regards, issue 12 p 18: Advertisement
Reppucci, Chris, FTV4; see also Arnold Clapman, Miles Huston
Resnikoff, Isaac; see also Arturo Bandini
Rigau, Carlos; see also MoneyGraham NYC
Rimanelli, David, issue 10 p 94: Memes; see also Ryan Foerster
issue 11 pp 25-26: ///
Robertson, Mariah, issue 4 pp 68-69: Stephanie's title: A former curatorial assistant from The Museum of Modern Art relieving herself of all real substance so that the artist, and you, his sycophantic followers, may speak of her in the most crude terms. However, the inhuman monstrosity called forth by this voiding does not belong to you. Rather it bears the seed of your eventual destruction. Mariah's title: Justin Lieberman, you are my friend and I trust you. I trust that your intentions are honorable and your ideas worthy of exploration. And you have been there for me when I very much needed a friend. So for these reasons I have endeavored to fulfill your request by making a piece which is outside my zone of interest and possibly a violation of my adult life project. But having an interest in critical analysis of systems, I am willing to invert or violate those of my own in the spirit of open experimentation. Justin's title: A photograph taken in the gallery by the artist Mariah Robertson documenting a curatorial assistant from The Museum of Modern Art’s department of media and performance art enacting a scene from the opening chapter of Georges Bataille's 1928 novel The Story of the Eye. The props from the performance: A 1994 stainless steel Alessi reproduction of Marianne Brandt's 1928 Bauhaus work, Shallow Bowl, filled with organic milk from a local farm; see also Sylvia Bataille
issue 6 pp 4-5: 2017 Tintypes (Nude portraits of men born after I got my period in their New York City apartments)
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Justin Lieberman, Stephanie Weber
Antonia Kuo and Mariah Robertson, Exhibition
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also Justin Lieberman, Stephanie Weber
Rose, Sheree, issue 11 pp 38-43: 1996/2022; see also Bob Flanagan, Aura Rosenberg
Rosenberg, Aura, issue 1 pp 81-86: Untitled (from The Dialectical Porn Rock series)
issue 2 pp 52-59: Mirrors and Windows; see also Rose Marcus
issue 3 pp 7: Transform the World!, 14: You Can Sell a Woman Anything, 63-67: Mike Kelley/Carmen Rosenberg-Miller
issue 4 pp 64-67: Sylvia Bataille; see also Sylvia Bataille
issue 5 pp 32-37: November 27-29 2016 180 Park Row NY 6512 Monterey Rd LA; see also Adam Marnie
issue 6 pp 60-67: Images Only Die Twice; see also Nic Guagnini, Studio for Propositional Cinema
issue 7 p 75: The Paranoiac Always Tells the Truth; see also Sissi Tax
issue 8 p 64: Meghan Merkle
issue 11 pp 38-43: 1996/2022; see also Bob Flanagan, Sheree Rose
Berlin to Houston, Publication
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Adam Marnie
Fictions, Exhibition; see also Rose Marcus
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition; see also Adam Marnie
Head Shots, Solo Exhibition
Selected Head Shots archive material (1991-2017), Publication
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also John Miller, Frank Lutz
Windows, Exhibition; see also Adam Marnie
FTV1; see also John Miller
FTV4; see also John Miller
as Guest Editor, issue 4: Issue 3 Reflection
Ross, Alexis, issue 6 p 17: New Yorker Cartoon
see also WSSF
Roth, Alex, issue 9 pp 6-7: Out of Many, One
issue 10 p 11: Realtor's Presence
issue 11 pp 10-11: Dara's Living Room
issue 12 pp 16-17: Good, Evil, & Blue Ronald
Voice to Skull Technology, Publication
Rowan, Blackie, issue 3 p 15: Kool Cube
issue 5 p 15: From a Member of Gen X to the Mellenials
issue 6 p 13: Riot Act
issue 7 p 22: P is for Paranoid
Rowe, Heather, issue 1 pp 73-78
issue 3 pp 3, 98: Vacation Dynamics; see also Kevin Zucker
issue 10 pp 30-33: Octagon
REAL ESTATE, Exhibition
Ru, Yoma, issue 5 pp 54-57: Wong Car Fantasia
Rubin, Hannah, issue 9 pp 74-83: The Water Also Said My Mouth
Ruiz, Alan, issue 10 pp 39-46: FPS__WS; see also Liz Deschenes
issue 11 p 6: Advertisement; see also Eduardo Alfonso
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Liz Deschenes
REAL ESTATE, Exhibition; see also Liz Deschenes
Russell, Christopher, issue 6 pp 77-80: Christopher Russell with Bobbi Woods does Christopher Russell on Bobbi Woods; see also Bobbi Woods
Sanborn, Keith, The Deadman, screening; see also Peggy Ahwesh, Sylvia Bataille, Maggie Nelson
Sanchez, Daisy, issue 6 pp 17-18: Spandex Void
Savage James Rockin’, issue 7 pp 84-85: RING RING; see also Cali Dewitt
see also WSSF
Saxon, Violet, issue 9 pp 56-59: Only Slightly Below Saints and Supermen: On the "thoughtography" of Ted Serios
issue 12 pp 10-11: Ten Things You Never Knew About Dog Food; p 11 Question 2
Scher, Julia, issue 7 p 38: Deep in a Forest of Cool Resignation, We Have Founded Security Nation
Schmahl, Dan, Printer, issues 10-12
19 Watercolors
Berlin to Houston
Blue Dahlia and Twelve Other Poems
Class Dirt Clown School
Face Index
Flowers for
Flowers for Palestine
Going Home is Leaving It
Honesty / Compley
If The Capitol Rioters Had Been Black
A Loyal Opposition Response
On Biodiversity and Beta Diversity
toi l’interprète
Volcano Manifesto
Who Does Not Deserve Death?
Schmitt, Amanda, issue 10 pp 14-15: Property in the Perpetual Present
Schneider, Karin, issue 4 pp 41-43: ahrenheit 451: Issue 3 Reflection; see also Aura Rosenberg
Schoerner, David, issue 9 pp 4-5: Bottle, Can, Bottle (Andy)
Schuss, Kerry, issue 9 p 2: from the Kirlian Portrait series: Right Hand--Two States
Electrograms 1978 - 2020, Publication; see also RATSTAR
Scott, M. Elizabeth, issue 11 p 23: Empathy is a Prism. Isn't It?
PDF 002
Blue Dahlia and Twelve Other Poems, Publication
SH T, issue 1 p 98, Advertisement
Shaver, Nancy, issue 5 pp 38-43: Five Artists
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Steel Stillman
Copper and Propane, a photograph: what it is and what it isn't, Exhibition
Shneior, Roni, issue 4 pp 76-77: I've Got You Under My Sink; see also Sylvia Bataille
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also Barak Zemer
Sillman, Amy, Flowers for Lawyers for Children at the Border, Edition
Smith, Audrey Rose, issue 8 p 64: Jeff Koons
Smith, Cauleen, issue 12 p 94: Advertisement; see also Astrup Fearnley Museet
Volcano Manifesto, Publication
Smith, Joshua, issue 7 pp 78-83: On Repealing the Second Amendment with Art
Smyth, Craig, issue 5 p 14: Autographed Baseball (Paul Tibbets)
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition
Sneed, Pamela, If The Capitol Rioters Had Been Black, Publication
Soberscove Press, issue 12 p 97: Advertisement
Sondheim, Alan, Blue Tape, screening; see also Kathy Acker, Sylvia Bataille
Sonneman, Eve, 19 Watercolors, Publication
Sorted Library, issue 9 p 98: Advertisement
Staehle, Wolfgang, contributor: SHADOW CABINET: A Loyal Opposition Response, Publication
Steck, Ed, issue 5 pp 65-68: Cadaver from Juggernaut
issue 7 p 2: Paranoia
Stillman, Steel, issue 1 pp 54-61: Incidents (1969-2014)
issue 3 p 42: Exposure to Son
issue 10 pp 47-49: selections from Details
PDF 001
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Dawn Cerny, Nancy Shaver
Copper and Propane, a photograph: what it is and what it isn't, Exhibition
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition
Windows, Exhibition
Strafer, Jordan, issue 12 pp 68-75: No Spank
Studio for Propositional Cinema, issue 4 pp 36-37: Issue 3 Reflection; see also Aura Rosenberg
issue 6 pp 60-67: Images Only Die Twice; see also Nic Guagnini, Aura Rosenberg
Supportgroup123, issue 9 p 10: Advertisement
issue 10 p 87: @supportgroup123tributepage #grabbaggroupshow
PDF 005
Buy One, Get One, Publication
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition
Grab Bag Group Show, Exhibition
Sutherland, Peter, issue 1 pp 42-45: Noitcudorper Lacinahcem
issue 3 p 99: NYC Video Newsletter
issue 5 p 8: Woozy; see also Maia Ruth Lee
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition
see also CNY/NYC
Swan, Ethan, issue 12 pp 21-23: What the Sorting Hat Said
Honesty / Compley, Publication; see also Jae Yeun Choi
Sylvia’s Sculpture Garden, Houston
issue 9 p 97: Advertisement
Snoopy Mitosis; see also Lisa Lapinski
Taft, Catherine, issue 3 p 15: Scorpio Rising
issue 6 p 13: The Mail
Talmadge, Cynthia, issue 4 pp 70-71: Nearer to Man; see also Sylvia Bataille
issue 8 pp 84-86: Veronica Lake's Ashes
issue 12 p 78: Chevy Chase Syndrome
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also Christopher K. Ho, John Magee, Kevin Zucker
Tamar, Sabrina, issue 11 pp 70-71: Dead Souls
PDF 013; see also NOWORK
Tax, Sissi, issue 7 p 75: The Paranoiac Always Tells the Truth; see also Aura Rosenberg
Taylor, Blair, issue 11 pp 44-60, 92-95: The Intimacy of Sex Work as Artwork; see also Darya Diamond, Adam Marnie, 99: To Those Who Will Help Manifest
issue 12 pp 52-55: Ghost Bone
FTV4; see also Darya Diamond
as Guest Editor, issue 11
see also Blair Hansen
Thompson, Cheyney, issue 4 pp 78-79: details from Three Sisters and Interior Views (studio); see also Sylvia Bataille
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also Eileen Quinlan
Thornhill, Jenna, The Devil is a Clown, Exhibition
Thornton, SoiL, issue 11 pp 61-64: Labor Cont(r)act (Assisted)(Friart Kunsthalle)
Titus, Honor, issue 6 p 28: The Best Advice
Treib, Patricia, issue 2 pp 71-76, 95: Icon Variations
issue 3 p 6: Chemistiers
Fictions, Exhibition
Rabbit Hole, Exhibition
Variations, Solo Exhibition
Tuazon, Oscar, issue 7 pp 11-14: Letter to Leonard Peltier
Tureen, issue 12 p 100, Advertisement
Typaldos, Nickolaus, issue 5 pp 4, 97: Partition
issue 8 pp 30-31: The Mattress of Consciousness
issue 10 pp 77-80: The Bunker
see also DROOIDS
U.S. Bodies, issue 7 p 26: Advertisement
Uncle Vic, FTV2
Valfer, Pamela, issue 8 p 65: Farrah Fawcett
issue 6 p 10: TEARS, January 11-March 3, 2018
issue 8 pp 3-5: The Blackglama Insurgents
Vidal, Jacques, issue 6 pp 16-17: Sex Lesson
issue 9 p 22: Knife on Cactus
Rabbit Hole, Exhibition
see also KAJE
see also Know More Games
VorteXity Books, issue 7 p 10: Advertisement
issue 9 p 89: Advertisement
W.A.G.E., issue 2 p 99: WOMANIFESTO
Wadzinski, Kalle, issue 12 pp 36-39: IU Academics; see also Leeza Belkina
Waltemath, Joan, contributor: SHADOW CABINET: A Loyal Opposition Response, Publication
Walton, Nate, issue 7 p 18: Advertisement
Waynberg, Jodi, Editor, SHADOW CABINET: A Loyal Opposition Response, Publication
Weber, Stephanie, issue 4 pp 68-69: Stephanie's title: A former curatorial assistant from The Museum of Modern Art relieving herself of all real substance so that the artist, and you, his sycophantic followers, may speak of her in the most crude terms. However, the inhuman monstrosity called forth by this voiding does not belong to you. Rather it bears the seed of your eventual destruction. Mariah's title: Justin Lieberman, you are my friend and I trust you. I trust that your intentions are honorable and your ideas worthy of exploration. And you have been there for me when I very much needed a friend. So for these reasons I have endeavored to fulfill your request by making a piece which is outside my zone of interest and possibly a violation of my adult life project. But having an interest in critical analysis of systems, I am willing to invert or violate those of my own in the spirit of open experimentation. Justin's title: A photograph taken in the gallery by the artist Mariah Robertson documenting a curatorial assistant from The Museum of Modern Art’s department of media and performance art enacting a scene from the opening chapter of Georges Bataille's 1928 novel The Story of the Eye. The props from the performance: A 1994 stainless steel Alessi reproduction of Marianne Brandt's 1928 Bauhaus work, Shallow Bowl, filled with organic milk from a local farm; see also Sylvia Bataille
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Justin Lieberman, Mariah Robertson
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also Justin Lieberman, Mariah Robertson
Weathersby, Ann, issue 11 pp 32-37: The book was somehow adapted to the body
Rabbit Hole, Exhibition
Reliquaries, Publication
Weissman, Benjamin, issue 4 pp 50-51: Issue 3 Reflection; see also Amy Gerstler, Aura Rosenberg
issue 7 p 27: New Yorker Cartoon; see also Amy Gerstler
Welsh, Doug, HARRY SMITH'S SHIRT, Exhibition
Independent 2024, Exhibition
Lifelike, Solo Exhibition
White Columns, issue 8 p 99: Advertisements
Wide Rainbow, issue 8 p 100: Advertisements
Williams, Christopher, issue 4 pp 38-39: Issue 3 Reflection; see also Aura Rosenberg
Williams, Kandis, issue 7 pp 39-49: The Soft Colonists
issue 9 pp 32-33: Disfiguring Traditions
see also Cassandra Press
Williams, Violet, issue 9 pp 27-30: Third Charm
Wilson, Fred, issue 2 pp 10-17: Museum Impossible, installation view
Woods, Bobbi, issue 1 pp 34-37: Noitcudorper Lacinahcem
issue 3 pp 12: All Men are Not Created Equal, 23: Blowjob
issue 6 pp 2, 99: Pearl Necklace 77-80: Christopher Russell with Bobbi Woods does Christopher Russell on Bobbi Woods; see also Christopher Russell
see also Private Places
Wright, Jason S., issue 8 p 65: Anna Kournikova
issue 9 pp 61-65: Shady Paul
see also HEADS/UDLI
WSSF, issue 4 p 99: Advertisement
issue 9 p 8: Advertisement
Wycoff, Matt, issue 2 p 4: Matt Wycoff/Arthur Greenberg
issue 3 p 20: Matt Wycoff
issue 4 pp 62-63: Untitled (For Lindsey); see also Sylvia Bataille
issue 5 pp 88: Spilled and Gone, 89: American Right
issue 11 pp 17-18: Untitled
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition
Fictions, Exhibition
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition
Yo, Senna Eh, issue 6 p 18: Trick Me
Young Art, issue 1 p 8: Advertisement
Yuda, Chris, issue 8 p 66: Jimmy Donaldson
ZAKKA BAKKA, issue 12 p 14: Advertisement
Zemer, Barak, issue 4 pp 76-77: I've Got You Under My Sink; see also Sylvia Bataille
issue 5 pp 74-75: Dusk
Aquarium, Publication; see also Hassla
Este Corpo, screening
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also Roni Shneior
Transit, Publication
Zonszein, Yoni, PDF 015
Zucker, Kevin, issue 1 pp 16-17: Untitled (from No Hotel)
issue 2 pp 64-69: Perfect Heir; see also Christopher K. Ho
issue 3 pp 3, 98: Vacation Dynamics; see also Heather Rowe
issue 4 pp 70-71: Nearer to Man; see also Sylvia Bataille
issue 5 pp 47-55: UAE Snapshots
issue 7 pp 96-99: Following Pages
issue 8 cover + p 66: Paris Hilton and Adnan Khashoggi
issue 10 p 100: Activity page: proposed modifications to mixed-use structure at 751 Fifth Avenue, New York (revanchist version)
Collaborations and Bootlegs: 10 Years of F Magazine, Exhibition; see also Christopher K. Ho
Fictions, Exhibition; see also Christopher K. Ho
The Garden of Forking Paths, Exhibition
Sylvia Bataille, Exhibition; see also Christopher K. Ho, John Magee, Cynthia Talmadge
Windows Vista Marnie Zucker, Publication; see also Adam Marnie
as Guest Editor, issue 12